Monday, March 21

Renew or reinvent?

I have these two word playing on my mind for the past few months i.e. what is the difference between renew and reinvent?

This is what i thought:

Renew is to get something that you make sure it never dies.
For example like my licences, i make sure all my licences are renewed on time way before it renewal date due so that my licences will not die on me. I love continuity and hate disruptions.

Reinvent is to get something that is to be different from the normal stuff.
For example like these children shoes with wheels at the back heel of it. it's still a shoe but it comes with wheels. Well i see children wearing can move faster than their parents and they don't tire easily. That is reinvent. The functions of shoes has increased. and i bet the kids thinks it's a fashion to have wheels on their shoes. Soon i may see adult wearing those too.

Ha ha which one comes first renew or reinvent?

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