Sunday, November 11

Coffeeshop & Elderly

I was at my local coffeeshop in the morning at around 9.30am on Monday. The coffeeshop was full with elderly residents majority elderly males. I remember the days when coffeeshop were empty as the residents goes to work early in the morning. Now its a different picture, the place has become crowded with unemployed elderly people. They seated enjoy their kopi and chit chat with fellow neighbours throughout the day. The greying population has reached my country. I wonder when will my coffeeshop be empty on Monday morning again.

Monday, November 5

Travelling Singapore to KL

The bus ride to KL is at $23.10 from Singapore. Board the bus from Lavendar Bus station. The first bus leaves for KL is at 8.30am. Last bus leaves at 10.00pm. Contact number for Transnasional Bus Service 65 62947034

Friday, November 2

Oasis of Opportunities

Sometime I ask myself is Singapore an oasis of opportunities. I know i am still young at 37 but i hardly see opportunities for the common man here to live life productively and with a peace of mind. Well when i think of growing old here i can't picture any future as for now. How much does it cost per month for a 65 year old man to live alone here in Singapore?

Thursday, November 1

Life is Short. Spend More

Singaporeans love to spend. I can see lots of them at shopping centres in Singapore Bangkok Madras and even in Dubai. My intuition about their presence at overseas shopping joints is the level and type of items they buy. Must be good quality, very cheap and cannot find in Singapore are the basic criterias for the purchases. Bear in mind the purchase items are mainly non cooked items. I assume 30%. And the balance 70% must go to food. I hope its healthy food.

Monday, October 29

Glass Fix

Fix broken glass car windscreen in 15mins at home.

Sunday, October 28


For the last 2 years, I lost 2 of my closest and most beloved. Today I just lost my grandmother. She was at 86 years old when she left us. Before her, I lost my father. I feel time has caught up with age. Now I am encountering death amongst my beloved ones. I still remember when I run around naked as a young boy as my beloved ones watched and laughed at my mischief. Time and tide wait for no man.

Saturday, October 27

Come and Go

I remember the day when i had my first major surgical operation at the age of 7 years old. It was at Singapore General Hospital. My second operation was at the age of 27. It was also at SGH. Both major surgical operations was caused by growth or cyst. I am used to these operation procedure since the age of 7 years old. I remember the first time i get to talk to my surgeons just before they cut me up. And i remember the day i stayed in the hospital not less than 3 days away from my home and loved ones. It was a lonely experience for me. I am now waiting for my grandmother to be operated at NNI.

Friday, September 7

Ungu - Andai Ku Tahu(Muzik Video)

Reminds me of my late DAD.

Tuesday, August 28

Bathura North Indian Food @ Ananda Bhavan Restaurant

Tasty Indian Vegetarian Food in Singapore.

Friday, August 3

What is the similarities between NDP at the stadium and reservist?
Well i get to see lots of Singaporeans. I feel myself as a Singaporean indeed.

Thursday, August 2

Saturday, June 16

My World of 24/7

We got to work hard and smart. Now I can get food delivered to my doorstep at anytime, 24hrs everyday. I just had fries and burger at 2am in the morning delivered to me doorstep. Thanks to MCD. The world never close as we get closer to each other all around the world.

Friday, June 15

Peter Pan - Mungkin Nanti

Here goes a song for June School Holidays...sad sad..

June School Holidays

I remember during my younger days at the age between 8 -14 years old, I get excited when the June school holidays are coming. I remember during the holidays, I look forward for my family to bring us to travel. We packed our bags day before leave and I helped everyone in the family to carry their lug gages into our car. Sometimes I was the one who measure and arranged all the luggage to make sure all are secure and safe for long distance travel. Well, we love exploring Malaysia and either we travel east or west each time during the June Holidays. I remember my dad will be driver, mum will be the navigator or co driver. As I grew older I was promoted to be the co driver. The co driver must know how to read map, ask strangers for directions and to be observant always especially when we arrive to unfamiliar area. There were 5 of us, Dad mum, sister, brother and me the eldest in the family. We travel lots each time we have school holidays. We went to places where the tourist never been before in Malaysia. It was fun as I learned a lot about adaptation to different environment and culture of a local area. I learn to be friendly and curious each time i see something interesting. Dad always guided us during our travels in terms of communication, safety, cultural understanding etc. Till today i really treasure his guidance. Sooner or later,I was travelling on my own that was when i did my degree overseas. So all the skills i learnt was put to use during my 4 years of study overseas. And i did remarkably well.

Anyway, the most touching part for me today is to rekindle the happiness we had as a family during the June school holidays. 14 days of traveling with my family every year in June makes lots of difference to my life. The family bonding was developed and at the same time its a learning process for us to be independent.

Now everyone has grown up and grow old. Sister already got a son, Dad died gone to heaven, Mum in Australia taking care of her 1st grandchild, brother happily gotten married and me in Singapore taking care of this house of ours the place where we launch our travel expeditions to Malaysia.

Everyone has gone their separate ways in a way or another. I wish all of us could sit in a car and travel 300km per day and have fun during the June holidays again.