Sunday, November 11

Coffeeshop & Elderly

I was at my local coffeeshop in the morning at around 9.30am on Monday. The coffeeshop was full with elderly residents majority elderly males. I remember the days when coffeeshop were empty as the residents goes to work early in the morning. Now its a different picture, the place has become crowded with unemployed elderly people. They seated enjoy their kopi and chit chat with fellow neighbours throughout the day. The greying population has reached my country. I wonder when will my coffeeshop be empty on Monday morning again.

Monday, November 5

Travelling Singapore to KL

The bus ride to KL is at $23.10 from Singapore. Board the bus from Lavendar Bus station. The first bus leaves for KL is at 8.30am. Last bus leaves at 10.00pm. Contact number for Transnasional Bus Service 65 62947034

Friday, November 2

Oasis of Opportunities

Sometime I ask myself is Singapore an oasis of opportunities. I know i am still young at 37 but i hardly see opportunities for the common man here to live life productively and with a peace of mind. Well when i think of growing old here i can't picture any future as for now. How much does it cost per month for a 65 year old man to live alone here in Singapore?

Thursday, November 1

Life is Short. Spend More

Singaporeans love to spend. I can see lots of them at shopping centres in Singapore Bangkok Madras and even in Dubai. My intuition about their presence at overseas shopping joints is the level and type of items they buy. Must be good quality, very cheap and cannot find in Singapore are the basic criterias for the purchases. Bear in mind the purchase items are mainly non cooked items. I assume 30%. And the balance 70% must go to food. I hope its healthy food.